PLAN YOUR QUIT! Supporting you to QUIT VAPING CREATE & DOWNLOAD YOUR QUIT PLAN Looking for more help? Check out ↓ Quash. → APPLE STORE Quash. → GOOGLE PLAY #StopVaping → APPLE STORE #StopVaping → GOOGLE PLAY First Name Last Name REASONS TO QUIT VAPINGWrite down your top 3 reasons for quitting.1st Reason to QUIT 2nd Reason to QUIT 3rd Reason to QUIT YOUR QUIT DATE:Tips for choosing a quit date that’s right for you: Don’t wait too long. You might forget or change your mind. Avoid stressful days, like exam periods.Set a Date NICOTINE ADDICTIONNicotine is in most vapes and it’s very addictive. The more you vape, the more your brain and body get used to having nicotine, and the harder it is to stop. NICOTINE WITHDRAWALWHEN YOU QUIT VAPING, YOU MAY HAVE STRONG URGES TO VAPE, THIS IS NICOTINE WITHDRAWAL, YOU MAY EXPERIENCE: • Feeling irritable, restless, or anxious • Feeling sad, tired, or groggy • Headaches • Sweating • Trouble concentrating • Trouble sleeping • Feeling hungryWHAT MAKES YOU WANT TO VAPEWhatever makes you want to vape is called a trigger. Examples of triggers could be: • Being at a party where people are vaping • Watching vape tricks on TikTok. • The smell of e-liquids • Times when you usually vape (doing your homework or going to the school washroom) • Boredom • Feeling stressed or anxious • Nicotine withdrawalTIPS TO HELP YOU DEAL WITH TRIGGERS:• Avoid them when possible • Drink Water • Deep Breaths • Distract Yourself • Text/Talk to a Friend • Stay Busy • Get Active • Read a Book • Go For a Walk • Chew Gum • Climb Stairs • DoodleWRITE DOWN SOME OF YOUR TRIGGERS AND YOUR PLAN TO DEAL WITH THEM.TRIGGER 1 Trigger 2 Trigger 3 PLAN 1 Plan 2 Plan 3 DEALING WITH PEOPLESometimes the people you vape with may want you to keep vaping. This can be frustrating. However, thinking about this ahead of time can help you to prepare a response and stick to your plan.What will you say if your friends ask you to vape with them? ASK FOR HELPQUITTING CAN BE HARD AND YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO THROUGH IT ALONE.Friends, family, co-workers and others can be there to listen, boost your mood, and distract you from using your vape.LET THEM KNOW HOW TO HELPFor example, if you are feeling stressed, ask a friend to help keep you distracted.TELL YOUR FRIENDS!Tell your friends you're quitting and you might be surprised that others want to try too.Who will you ask for help?Who can you talk to and depend on for support?Support Person 1 Support 2nd Person Support Person 3 REWARD YOURSELFQuitting an addiction is a BIG deal. Reward yourself along the way even if you’ve quit for a day, a weekend or an entire week!What reward would encourage you to keep quitting vaping? DON'T QUIT QUITTINGQuitting can be hard and may take a few tries before you quit for good. Every quit attempt gets you closer to quitting for good.Congratulations! You’ve made a quit plan!Hit SUBMIT to receive your downloadable quit plan. Keep your plan close by to remind yourself of your plans whenever you need a bit of encouragement.EmailSUBMIT YOUR QUIT PLAN